March 28th is National Something on a Stick Day. From sweet treats like popsicles and rock candy to meats on a stick like shish-kabobs and corndogs, we love things that are fun to make and easy to eat. This food holiday is the perfect opportunity to get creative and have a ton of fun, the possibilities are endless!
To celebrate we have pure sugar cane crystal rock candy barista stirs that pair well with coffees and our teas. Stop in @CrystalbytheSea Booth 239 to pick up a sweet deal.
What’s your favorite food on a stick?
#SomethingOnAStickDay #Teas #RockCrystalCandy #BaristaStir #BeHappyBeWellBeBlessed #BeBlessedWhereverYouAre #CrystalByTheSea #ThatLittleSmudgeShop #LivingTheCrystalLife #EmeraldCoastCrystals #ShopSmall #SupportSmallBusiness #GulfBreezeFleaMarket #GulfBreezeFlorida
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