Happy Lunar New Year 2025

The lunar new year is upon us… Welcome to the Year of the Wood Snake!

In Chinese culture snakes are regarded as little dragons, and are associated with good luck, grace, intuition, wisdom, and rebirth. The element wood brings with it a focus on creativity, resilience, nurturing, and growth. Together these energies provide a powerful foundation to launch and support whatever goals you have set your sights on for this year.

Personally, I have no resolutions. Instead, I strive to move forward with self-care, to be well and to live well. I urge you to join me on this journey to honor body, mind and spirit.

Here’s to a year of personal growth, of wellness and to positive change!

Be Happy, Be Well, Be Blessed

#LunarNewYear #ChineseNewYear #SpringFestival #YearOfTheWoodSnake #LiveWellBeWell #BeHappyBeWellBeBlessed #BeBlessedWhereverYouAre #JoinTheTribe #GoodVibes #CrystalByTheSea #ThatLittleSmudgeShop #GulfCoastSpiritualArtsCenter #LivingTheCrystalLife #SmudgeCentral #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SupportSmallBusiness #InThe850 #OnTurtleIsland #Navarre #GulfBreeze #Pensacola #FloridaPanhandle